Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is a challenge to all of you

Beware that this will be more difficult than your most difficult exams
more stressful than FYP
more time consuming than all your projects

please list down your ranking of the girls
extreme left being the prettiest and extreme right being the cutest
please bear in mind that being prettiest means also being the least cute
and being the cutest means being the least pretty

My ranking ( with the help of my "bible"):

Prettiest <=> Cutest

Please do post your ranking by commenting on this post
and please be a man, be decisive



  1. Prettiest <=> cutest


    ini betol2 neutral poin of view gw!!!

    kalo yg bias prettiest Kwon Yuri, Yuri's cuteness rank 4 di bawah Sunny taeyeon ma yoona....hahahaha

  2. LoL, ini mah ga pake mikir punya...

    Prettiest <---> Cutest

    Yuri - Fany - Hyo - SooYoung - Sica - SH - YoonA -Sunny - Tae

  3. Btw, I crown Sica in the middle cos She's both PRETTY and CUTE. Just to make sure I don't cross the Sicans..

  4. (text formatting doesnt work... damn...)

    YoonA - Sica - Yuri - Soo - Hyo - Seo - Fany - Tae - SUNNY

    HA!! I figure out the trick! Set a center person and go from there... (of course will not work if I choose Sunny as center!)

  5. hmm.. that is indeed a difficult choice to make. SOOYOUNG is definitely both the prettiest and the cutest here.. hmm.. give me some more time.. a week or two maybe.. hmm..

  6. PS to my prev comment: 'center' not necessarily mean to be 'right smack at the middle'

  7. Prettiest <---> Cutest

    Sica - Yuri - Yoona - Seohyun - Hyoyeon - SooYoung - Tiffany - Sunny - Taeyeon - Sica

    Im really (trying to be) neutral here!

  8. gila, jawaban harry TOP banget. gw setuju banget ma yang itu!

    haha.. nih jawaban gw sendiri biar ga dibilang sampah ma

    Prettiest <---> Cutest
    Yuri - Tiffany - Sica - Sooyoung - Hyoyeon - Yoona - Seohyun - Taeyeon - Sunny

    harusnya sih ud objective, mikir seharian ni gw..

  9. Apa2an itu blg jwban gw sampah. Itu jwban yg gw prcaya dgn sgenap hati gw k.. Wakakakaka..

  10. setelah much comtemplation, akhirnya bisa jg gw haha



    Yoona sih pasti pojok kiri buat gw hehe
